The Clever Guts Plan.

Eat your way to less bloating, better digestive health and stronger immunity in just 2 weeks.

Launches November 13th 2023.

Bloated? Gassy? Constipated? Feel like hormones are doing a number on your digestive health?

Discover the principles of a gut-healthy diet and how to make them work for you in just 2 weeks.

  • Two weeks of microbe-nourishing plant focused meals

  • Get your 30 plant points a week. Each recipe comes with a plant diversity score

  • Printable plant point checklist to help you stay on track

  • A live Q&A on common digestive disorders and how to solve them

  • Learn how to make your own kefir easily and quickly at home

  • Recorded masterclass on the gut microbiome

  • A deep dive into supplements and probiotics

  • Daily access to me and my community for accountability and guidance

  • Handouts, cheat sheets, guides and resources

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

What can you expect?

  • An understanding of eating to beat illness. Better immune health means more resilience to winter bugs, coughs and viruses.

  • Improved digestion, less bloating and gassiness, more regular bowel movements and a reduced desire to graze and snack.

  • Feel empowered to make better food choices, as well as easy ways to add colour, diversity and taste to meals.

"Excellent! Made me think about food as fuel that's to be enjoyed."


  • Are all the recipes vegan?

    The focus is on plants but there will be options to add in fish and meat

  • I have an autoimmune condition, can I still do the plan?

    There should be no issues with you carrying out the plan, but please check with your primary healthcare provider first just to be sure.

  • How long will we have access to the content?

    The content will be downloadable so you'll have access for life and can refer back to the recipes again and again. You'll have access to the Community til December 13th.

  • Do we get access to you, Emma?

    Yes! I am in the Community every day and aim to always answer questions within a couple of hours.

  • Will Emma give us personalised gut health advice as part of the plan?

    The course is educational but it doesn't replace the role of your primary healthcare provider.

  • How many hours do I need to dedicate to the plan?

    There's no specific commitment required. The plan is about creating a new way of eating and new lifestyle habits centred around a more diverse microbiome. This can take time but the more you show up and take part, access the content and ask questions, the better your success.

  • I have IBS. Is the plan appropriate for me?

    The plan will feature high fibre meals that could potentially cause gastrointestinal discomfort if you have IBS or any kind of dysbiosis. All members will be encouraged to make the meals work for them and their gut and to increase fibre slowly. If in any doubt, please check with your primary healthcare provider before signing up.

Secure your place

And access the pre-plan exercises